Standard Model United Nations Rules of Procedure
Model United Nations (Model UN) is a popular activity for those interested in learning more about how the UN operates. The Model UN activities aims to build and maintain strong links between the UN and Model UN participants across the globe. It does that through guides and workshops, which teach students how to make their simulations more accurate; by visiting Model UN conferences and sharing firsthand knowledge of what the actual UN is like; and through encouraging Model UN associations to take real actions to support UN values and the Sustainable Development Goals. The positive significance of the Model UN is that it enables participants to understand current major international issues more deeply, and truly integrate patriotic feelings with international perspectives.
In the Model UN conference, participants are required to discuss certain issues in accordance with formal rules of procedure. Therefore, one of the purposes of the "Standard Model United Nations Rules of Procedure" ("Standard RP") is to standardize the rules used in the Model UN conference.
The Standard RP is not a simple imitation of the real United Nations conferences. In real-world United Nations conferences, all parties involved usually have lasting communication on related issues before attending the conference. However, Model UN conferences do not have such advantages, which determines that delegates must conduct multiple rounds of speeches and debates during limited sessions to make up for insufficient official exchanges before to ensure the resolutions are scientific and rational. The characteristics of the Standard RP are to enrich the form of motions, strengthen the chairman's guidance, increase the rounds of debate, and welcome multiple opinions, highlighting the educational functions of the Model UN conference. A Model UN performance stage or arena is not our will. What we hope is to blend education into the conference so that participants can feel the challenge of diplomatic work and the complexity of international relations through an immersive experience and have a deeper understanding of the nature of multilateral negotiations.
The Standard RP consists of five parts. The structure of the Committee module provides a normative introduction to different players in a Model UN conference and their responsibilities; the decorum and language module introduces common etiquette of the committee, striving to restore the diplomatic situation more completely; the third module is the substantive content related to the rules of procedure, which gives a detailed explanation for all essential procedures such as debate formats, voting rules, and document submission; the conference document module provides guidance on document writing format and content by bringing in descriptions and samples; the committee simulation module displays some often-spoken languages between delegates and the moderator in the form of dialogue, making the rules more vivid and easy to understand.
In general, the new version of the Standard RP has improved the literal expression and modified some of the content on the original basis. The editors hope that after this adjustment, the content of the Standard RP will be more standardized to provide more comprehensive and reliable guidance for the development of the Model UN Conference.
English Version
Standard Model United Nations Rules of Procedure
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