
Ch.05 Committee Simulation

Standard Model United Nations Rules of Procedure

1. Introduction of the Dais


Dear delegates, welcome to the XXX Committee. My name is XXX, the Moderator of this session. I would like to introduce the Dais of the XXX Committee. To my left is the Director XXX, and to my right is XXX, the Rapporteur.

2.Roll Call


Before setting the agenda, the Rapporteur will do the Roll Call in alphabetical order.


Delegates, please raise your placard and answer “present” when your country’s name is called. Afghanistan.




Afghanistan is present. Albania…


With XXXX countries present, this conference is in quorum. The two-thirds majority is XXXX; the simple majority is XXXX; and the 20% quota is XXXX. Delegates late for Roll Call, please send a page to the Dais to notify your presence.

3. Setting of the Agenda


Now we are going to set the agenda. Topic A is XXX and Topic B is XXX. Are there any points or motions on the floor? China.


China motions to discuss Topic A first.


Now there is a motion on the floor to discuss Topic A, the motion is in order. Is there a second?


Thank you. Now I’ll recognize speakers to speak for and against this motion. Countries for and against will speak in an alternating manner. The original speaking time is 60 seconds. All delegates who want to speak in favor of the motion, please raise your placard. China, Russian Federation… Thank you. All delegates against? United States of America, United Kingdom… Thank you.


Delegate of China, you have 60 seconds. I will tap with the gavel to remind you when there are 15 seconds left.



United States of America


Russian Federation


United Kingdom



Are there any points or motions on the floor? Mongolia.


Mongolia motions to close the debate.


There’s a motion on the floor from Mongolia to close the debate. Is there a second? Thanks. All delegates who want to speak against the closing of debate, please raise your placard. France, Japan. Now delegate of France, you have 60 seconds.






Now we will vote on the motion for the closure of the debate. Those countries who are in favor of this motion, please raise your placards; those against? With XXX in favor and XXX against, this motion passes and the debate is closed.


Now we proceed to vote for the previous motion raised by China to discuss Topic A first, countries in favor of this motion, please raise your placards. Those against, please raise your placards. With XXX for and XXX against, this motion passes. We will discuss Topic A first.

4. Establishment of General Speaker’s List


Now we will open the General Speaker’s List. All delegates wishing to speak please raise your placards. China, Russian Federation… Thank you.


If there are more delegates wishing to speak, please send a page to the Dais. Now China, you’re recognized for 90 seconds. When there are 30 seconds left, I will remind you with the gavel.



5. Yields

(Brazil has finished his/her speech within the allotted time.)


Delegate of Brazil, you still have 35 seconds left, how would you like to yield your time?


Yield to the Dais.


Thank you.

(Japan has finished his/her speech within the allotted time.)


Delegate of Japan, you still have 35 seconds left, how would you like to yield your time?


Japan would like to yield his/her time to the delegate of the Philippines.


Thank you. Delegate of the Philippines, you have the remainder of the time to make your speech.



(China has finished his/her speech within the allotted time.)


Delegate of China, you still have 35 seconds left, how would you like to yield your time?


The delegate of China would like to yield his/her time to questions.


Thank you. Now the Dais would like to invite questions from the floor. Delegates who want to ask questions, please raise your placard. Austria. Now Austria you can ask a question and delegate of China will have 35 seconds to answer it.

(Moldova has finished his/her speech within the allotted time.)


Delegate of Moldova, you still have 35 seconds left, how would you like to yield your time?


The delegate of Moldova would like to yield his/her time to comments.


Thank you. Now the Dais would like to invite delegates to comment on the previous speech. Delegates who want to comment, please raise  your placard. Saudi Arabia. You have 35 seconds to comment.

Saudi Arabia


6. Points


Are there any points or motions on the floor? Mexico.


Point of Personal Privilege. The delegate of Mexico feels the room is too hot. Would you mind lowering the temperature of the air-con?


Thank you, Mexico. I’ll have our staff fix that.


Now, delegate of India, you are now recognized for 90 seconds.


Point of Order! The next speaker is the delegate of Maldives.


Thank you, Colombia. My apologies for the error. Delegate of Maldives, you are now recognized for 90 seconds.




Are there any points or motions on the floor? Hungary.


Point of Parliamentary Inquiry. The delegate of Hungary would like to ask the honorable Dais about the speaking time of the General Speaker’s List.


The speaking time is 90 seconds.

7.Changing the Speaking Time


Are there any more points or motions? Germany.


Germany motions to change Formal Debate speaking time to one minute.


Thank you. Now there’s a motion on the floor to change the speaking time to one minute. Is there a second? Thank you. Now we’ll vote on this motion. Delegates in favor, please raise your placards. With XX in favor, this motion passes. Dear delegates please notice that the speaking time of Formal Debate has been changed to 1 minute.

8. Caucus


Are there any more points or motions? Spain.


Spain motions for a 5-minute Moderated Caucus to discuss XXX. Each delegate will have 30 seconds to address the Committee.


Thank you. Spain has motioned for a 5-minute Moderated Caucus to discuss XXX with each delegate having 30 seconds to speak. Are there any other motions? Sudan.


Sudan motions for a 5-minute Unmoderated Caucus.


Thank you. Sudan has motioned for a 5-minute Unmoderated Caucus. Are there any other motions? Seeing none, we shall proceed to vote. An Unmoderated Caucus takes precedence. Is there a second? Thank you. Delegates in favor of the 5-minute Unmoderated Caucus, please raise your placards. With XX in favor and XX against, this motion passes. Now we will have a 5-minute Unmoderated Caucus. Delegates please do remember to come back on time, thank you!


Delegates, you still have 1 minute.


The time is exhausted. Please go back to your seats. We shall now return to the General Speaker’s List.

(After 3 delegates have spoken from the General Speaker’s List.)


The floor is open, are there any points or motions on the floor? Republic of Korea.

Republic of Korea

The Republic of Korea motions for a 10-minute Moderated Caucus to discuss XXX. Each delegate will have 1 minute to speak.


Thank you. Now there’s a motion from the Republic of Korea to enter a 10-minute Moderated Caucus with each individual speaking time of 1 minute on the topic of XXX. Are there any other motions? Australia.


Australia motions for a 20-minute Moderated Caucus with each delegate having 1 minute. The topic is XXX.


Thank you. Now there’s a motion from Australia to enter a 20-minute Moderated Caucus with each individual speaking time of 1 minute on the topic of XXX. Are there any other motions? Seeing none, we shall proceed to vote. As we have two Moderated Caucuses on the floor, we shall proceed to vote based on the order in which each motion was made. Now we will vote on the 10-minute Moderated Caucus raised by the Republic of Korea……


This motion passes. The Moderator will first recognize 5 delegates to speak and the delegate of Republic of Korea will be the first speaker. All delegates wishing to speak please rise your placards. Jamaica, Jordan, New Zealand, Italy. Delegate of Republic of Korea, you’re recognized for 1 minute.

Republic of Korea






New Zealand



Before the delegate of Italy speaks, I would like to recognize 5 more delegates. Egypt, Azerbaijan, Brazil, Vietnam and Venezuela. Delegate of Italy you have 1 minute.














Since there are 2 minutes left in this Moderated Caucus, I would like to recognize two more delegates. New Zealand, Dominican Republic. Delegate of New Zealand you have 1 minute.

New Zealand


Dominican Republic



The time is exhausted. We will now go back to the General Speaker’s List.


9. Postponement & Resumption of Debate


Delegates, we have word that a crisis has erupted. Are there any points or motions on the floor? Nepal.


Nepal motions to postpone the debate.


This motion is in order. Is there a second? Thank you. Now we proceed to vote for the motion raised by Nepal to postpone the debate. Delegates in favor? Against? This motion passes. This committee shall table the current topic area, and will discuss the current crisis.


Are there any points or motions on the floor? Croatia.


Croatia motions to resume the debate on XXXX.


This motion is in order. Is there a second? Thank you. This motion will be put to vote, and a Simple Majority is needed to pass. Delegates in favor? Against? This motion obviously passes. We shall return to the topic area before the crisis.

10. Working Paper


Now the Dais would like to encourage submissions of Working Papers.


Now we have Working Paper 1.1 submitted by China etc. and distributed to every delegate. Are there any points or motions on the floor? Russian Federation.

Russian Federation

Russia motions a 5-minute Moderated Caucus to discuss Working Paper 1.1. Each delegate will have 30 seconds to address the Committee.


11. Draft Resolutions


We’d like to encourage delegates to submit Draft Resolutions now.


Now we have Draft Resolution 1.1 submitted by its sponsors and distributed to every delegate. Are there any points or motions on the floor? China.


China motions to introduce Draft Resolution 1.1.


There’s a motion on the floor to introduce Draft Resolution 1.1... This motion passes. Now delegates will be given 3 minutes to read the document.

(After Reading)


Now the Dais would like to invite sponsors of Draft Resolution 1.1 to the stage to briefly summarize its contents. You have 3 minutes.



Thank you sponsors. Please stay where you are. Now we shall enter a free-flowing Q&A session. The total time will be 5 minutes. Delegates may only speak when they are recognized.

(Q&A Session)


Now we shall return to the General Speaker’s List. As Draft Resolution 1.1 is on the floor, the Dais would like the debate to be focused on the contents of DR 1.1.



Thank you sponsors. Please stay where you are. Now we shall enter a free-flowing Q&A session. The total time will be 5 minutes. Delegates may only speak when they are recognized.

(Q&A Session)


Now we shall return to the General Speaker’s List. As Draft Resolution 1.1 is on the floor, the Dais would like the debate to be focused on the contents of DR 1.1.

12. Friendly Amendment


We have Amendment 1.1.1 approved by the director, and it is a Friendly Amendment with a confirmation with sponsors. Now I will read out it.

(Moderator Reads out contents of Friendly Amendment 1.1.1)


Delegates, please make the necessary changes to your copies of Draft Resolution 1.1.

13. Unfriendly Amendment


Now we have Amendment 1.1.2 approved by the director, and it is an Unfriendly Amendment after confirming with sponsors. Due to time constraints, we are unable to print and distribute the amendment to all delegates. Therefore, in order to save time, the clauses will be shown on the screen as I read them.

(Moderator Reads contents of Unfriendly Amendment 1.1.2)


Are there any points or motions on the floor?South Africa. 

South Africa 

South Africa motions to introduce UnfriendlyAmendment 1.1.2. 


Any seconds? Thanks, nowwe will vote on this motion… Obviouslythis motion passes. Delegates you will have 3 minutesto read. 

(3 minutes later)


Time is up. Nextdelegates you are supposed to discuss and then vote for the UnfriendlyAmendment 1.1.2. Are there any points or motions on the floor? South Africa. 

South Africa

Motion a ModeratedCaucus, the topic is the discussion on the Unfriendly Amendment 1.1.2. Thetotal time should be 5 minutes and the speaking time should be 1 minute. 


Any seconds? Thanks.……this motion passes. All delegates who are willing to speak in this Caucus,please raise your placards. Iran, Argentina, Bahrain, United Kingdom. The first speaker will be delegate of South Africa. 

South Africa 








United Kingdom 



The time for thisModerated Caucus has exhausted. Are there any points or motions on the floor?Seeing none. Now we will proceed to vote for Unfriendly Amendment 1.1.2.Delegates in favor of Unfriendly Amendment 1.1.2, please raise your placards.Those against, please raise your placards. Those abstain? With XX for, XXagainst and XX abstain, Unfriendly Amendment 1.1.2 passes. Please make the necessary changes to your copies of Draft Resolution 1.1. 

14. Closure of Formal Debate


Are there any points or motions on the floor? Tunisia.


Tunisia motions to close the Formal Debate.


There’s a motion from Tunisia to close the Formal Debate. Delegates wishing to speak against this motion, please raise your placards.Seeing none. Now we’ll vote on this motion. With XXX in favor and XXX against, this motion passes and the debate is closed.


Before moving on to the voting procedure, I’d like to ask delegates who are not members of this committee to leave the room. Thank you. Now we’ll proceed to vote. The door will be closed and no one is allowed to enter or exit. Now, the Rapporteur will do the Roll Call in alphabetical order...

15. Reordering Draft Resolutions


Are there any points or motions on the floor? Cambodia.


Cambodia motions to reorder the Draft Resolutions.


Cambodia, in which order would you like to rearrange the Draft Resolutions?


1.2, 1.3 and then 1.1.


Are there any other motions for reordering the Draft Resolutions? France.


1.3, 1.2 and then 1.1.


Are there any other motions for reordering the Draft Resolutions? Seeing none.


We will vote on the first order 1.2、1.3、1.1. Delegates in favor of this motion, please raise your placards. Those against? This motion passes. Next we will vote based on ththe order 1.2, 1.3 and 1.1.

16. Roll Call Voting


Are there any points or motions on the floor? Swiss.


Swiss motions for Roll Call Voting.


Is there a second? Thanks. Delegates in favor, please raise your placards. Those against? This motion passes.


Now we’ll proceed to vote. As we are having a Roll Call Voting, the Rapporteur will do the Roll Call in alphabetical order, and delegates please answer ‘yes’, ‘no’, ‘abstain’ or ‘pass’ when your country’s name is called. Countries voting ‘pass’ during the first round should vote ‘yes’ or ‘no’ in the second round. The Draft Resolution needs a Two-thirds Majority to pass. We shall now proceed to vote on Draft Resolution 1.2...


With XXX for, XXX against and XXX abstain, Draft Resolution 1.2 passes.

17. Suspension of the Meeting


As the time for this session almost elapses, are there any points or motions on the floor? Guatemala.


Guatemala motions for the suspension of the meeting.


Those who are in favor, please raise your placards. Those against? Obviously this motion passes. Please keep in mind that our next session will begin at 9 a.m. tomorrow!

18. Adjournment of the Meeting


Are there any points or motions on the floor? Indonesia.


Indonesia motions for the adjournment of the meeting.


Obviously, this motion passes. This is the end of our last session.