
Ch.03 Rules of Parliamentary Procedure · Crisis

Standard Model United Nations Rules of Procedure


The crisis is an emergency that occurs during the Conference, which is relevant to the topic under discussion and requires immediate disposal by delegates. The crisis is usually related to the topic(s) of the Committee, such as natural disasters, social unrest, diplomatic accidents, etc.

The crisis can occur at any time during the Conference. It may be released by Dais, Press Center, Secretary-General of the Conference, etc.

Once the crisis has been released, delegates may raise a motion to postpone the debate on the current issue. With the motion passed, the Committee will enter the crisis. 

During the crisis, all rules governing debate as mentioned above still apply,  and delegates should proceed the discussion by Moderated Causes and Unmoderated Caucuses.

Depending on the time allotted to deal with the crisis, a failure to pass a Draft Directive may result in the closure of the debate on the crisis, or may lead to a return of the GSL on the crisis, subject to the discretion of the Secretary-General, Secretariat or Dais. Additionally, after a Draft Directive has been successfully passed, the Committee will return to debate on the tabled topic.

3.1 Postponement of Debate

The motion to postpone the debate is in order when a crisis ensues. 

Once the motion is raised, the Committee will move directly to voting procedures. This motion requires a second and a Simple Majority to pass.

Once the motion passes, the Committee will suspend the discussion on the current topic and turn to the crisis. If the motion fails, the debate on the topic will resume.

3.2 Resumption of Debate

A motion to resume the debate on the agenda, may occur only after a crisis or emergency has been addressed.

Once the motion is raised, the Committee will move directly to voting procedures. This motion requires a second and a Simple Majority to pass. 

Once the motion passes, the Committee will resume the debate under discussion. If the motion fails, the Committee will continue to dispose the crisis.